kicking off on December 15th, Operation Secret Santa™ is a world grassroots, “strictly people driven“, Christmas charity telethon-styled INTERNET outreach campaign.
Referral (“word of mouth“) marketing is central to its functioning; with ALL money, donations, resources and the like going DIRECTLY to the needy who are selectively sponsored.
N.B. With our “ORDER ON DEMAND“ network merchandise now available:
Campaign LOOT! #WPRPN #OSS2022
ALL proceeds go DIRECTLY 2 charity
Use code: OSS2022 at the check-out for 10% off your order!
#World #Christmas #Charity #Relief #Outreach #Awareness
Regardless of your religious or philosophical views, we challenge EVERYONE across the world 2 either “meet or BEAT” the modest pledges we’ve issued.
Korean Webpage Translation한국어 웹 페이지 번역
The 5 main categories of participants we’re LOOKING for include:
1) “LIVE” streaming WEB show hosts, speakers, producers & performers;
2) MATCHMAKING “Operator” ELVES (making their lists & checking them twice), via e.g. SKYPE
3) Secret Santa “sponsors“
4) AUCTION Participants, AND …..
5) people in ANY place across the world who find themselves in need.
Last year we added a MAJOR NEW “Charity Auction” Feature
Direct donations are capped at a suggested price value limit of $1000.
Operation Secret Santa™2019
Facebook Group
N.B. This campaign is WORLDS apart from the standard “Secret Santa“ gift exchange many co-workers sometimes participate in during the Xmas Season.
To a certain extent, you could say we are RE-forming the mould, or re-framing the est. narrative; taking both the name, and basic related concept to a much more optimal level.
A Hearty Word of Thanks ….
We also had the amazingly good fortune to cross paths with the author of “Being Santa Claus.”
This was, of course, none other than Episode #166’s Independent film maker, and long time Trekkie: Jonathan Lane.
The story itself deals mostly with Jonathan’s good friend: Sal Lizard.
Sal has been playing Santa Claus for over two decades, and in that time, he’s had countless magical experiences with children, adults, and people everywhere who share in the wonder of the holiday spirit.
Aye! Of all the people we could have interviewed.
How’s that for timing, huh?
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