Dec 2, 2018 | 2018, News |
Friday, December 7th (Episode #132)
Host of Forum Borealis, the ever enigmatic “Al B” returns to join us on the Robin Hood this week.

Forum Borealis is a paradigm expanding podcast, exploring controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, & system critical topics.
Producing in depth conversations with some of the most renowned authors, scholars, researchers, & freethinkers of the age, their shows typically cover a multitude of areas, including history, culture, current events, philosophy, science, & para-politics.
Social Media Links
Our early archived conversation
Friday, December 14th (Episode #133)
Our Annual 2018 Wrap-Up!

It’s time once again to take a few minutes to reflect on our past year’s accomplishments,
while looking forwarding to 2019.
Saturday, December 15th
Operation Secret Santa 2018

Our Annual 10 Day “World Christmas Charity Auction, and Talent Telethon Extravaganza”

We’ll be BACK with our regular weekly feature shows in February 2019. Hopefully, we’ll manage to bring to you
regular weekly segments of “World Pirate Radio News” over the course of January.
Oct 30, 2018 | 2018, News, November 2018 |
Friday, November 2nd, 2018 (Episode #128)
Annual 2018 Anonymous Open House and Round-table
"Remember, Remember, the 5th of November."
Welcoming any number of mystery guests, we open the lines this week, taking all your thought and comments regarding the enigmatic phenomenon known simply as: Anonymous

Friday, November 9th, 2018 (Episode #129)
Aage Nost 3.0

Former airline pilot, author, documentary film maker, live streamer, and spiritual seeker, Aage Nost returns to the Robin Hood this week
Archived Interviews
Friday, November 16th, 2018 (Episode #130)
“Pirate” Poet Mike Hopkins

Swedish based US expat, personality, and poet Mike Hopkins joins us for this week’s feature stream.
Exposure is not pleasant to me. i was lecturing in Sweden many years back and word
spread of my healing skill and such and the other healers in the area doxed me
because so many started to come to my lectures and I didn't care for money.
They could buy me coffee or lunch or a few crowns for travel money if they wished.
Friday, November 23rd, 2018 (Episode #131)
2018 Annual JFK Open house, and Round-table

Once again, this year, we welcome a feature group of guest speakers
including Kennedy assassination luminary Robert Morningstar.
OTHER potential contributors include:
MP3 Audio
Oct 9, 2018 | 2018, Feature Interviews, October 2018, Schedules |
Friday, October 5th, 2018 (Episode #124)
The Return of “Miami” Tom Schaefer
This week, we host our favourite man of MANY Pirate hats, “Miami” Tom Schaefer; as he returns to the Robin hood for his first formal FEATURE visit of 2018.

RAW You-Tube Feed
In a life that’s taken him from serving on America’s nuclear submarines, to #freelance photography, to authoring science fiction, professional website design, and even launching his own bare-bones, no strings attached consciousness oriented religion, we’ll do our best to hash over as much of it as we can, during the next approximately scheduled 90 minutes. Remember, if you’ve signed in to Google, be sure 2 FIRE AWAY with all your top “guest related” thoughts, questions and comments, in the LIVE streaming “Peanut Gallery” side-bar menu.
Our most recent PAST (ARCHIVED) episode:
Friday, October 12th, 2018 (Episode #125)
“The Black Knight” of Bulgaria
East European Gamer, Author, and Philosopher, Aragmar joins us this week.

His Sci-Fi Books are published on Amazon available both in Kindle and Paperback:
Friday, October 19th, 2018 (Episode #126) CEO and founder Christina Taft

Friday, October 26th, 2018 (Episode #127)
Annual Halloween OPEN-HOUSE and Round-table

Welcoming any number of mystery guests, we open the lines this week, taking ALL your SPOOKIEST calls via SKYPE.
Oct 8, 2018 | 2018, October 2018 |
Friday, October 26th, 2018 (Episode #127)
Annual Halloween OPEN-HOUSE and Round-table

Welcoming any number of mystery guests, we open the lines this week, taking ALL your SPOOKIEST calls via SKYPE.
Jul 27, 2018 | 2018, August 2018, News |
Friday, August 10th – Episode #118
Targeted Individual (Carolyn Rose Goyda)

This week we do our best 2 catch up 2 speed, once again, with former Jefferson City, Missouri resident, and targeted individual, Carolyn Rose Goyda.
Friday, August 24th – Episode #119
British Expat Author (Albert “Bangkok” Jack)

British ex-pat Albert “Bangkok” Jack has written 18 books on subjects ranging from history, politics, religion and war.
Exploring the origins of well known phrases in the English language, his first release “Red-Herrings and White Elephants” became a huge 2004 international best-seller.

Helping to further launch Jack’s publishing career, the book was serialized by the UK Sunday Times; remaining in their Best Seller list for well over a year.
In a life’s journey, which 2 this point, has taken him from the UK, 2 South Africa, 2 Thailand, and various points beyond, Jack has cultivated a dedicated passion for all things, including intrigue, inquiry, beauty and truth.
A former guest of both SKY TV and the BBC, over the course of our approximate 90 minute exchange, we’ll aim to traverse a whole host of areas with Albert, including everything from the realm of world travel, social media, Political Islam, George Orwell, historical revisionism, Wikipedia censorship, conspiracy theories, and, as always, much, much more.
Having recently launched his own exclusive Bitchute and Spreaker podcast channels, he’s currently working on getting his head more fully wrapped around all things
Albert Jack Biography
Friday, August 31st – Episode #120
Minds World Indie Music Showcase (#MWIMS 4.0)

Be sure to drop by, and catch all the latest regarding the network’s TOP recorded musical submissions, and their multi-talented underground creators.
Our earlier ARCHIVED features:
Jun 30, 2018 | 2018 |
Friday, July 6th – Episode #114
While some might know him best from the Matrix movie series, these days Mr Anderson secretly moonlights as a WPRPN ™ rebel leader.
Sailing out on the HIGH digital seas, the free roaming, mid-west based, Yankee buccaneer stands in loyal defense of truth, justice, and the American way.

"I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the US from all enemies both foreign and domestic, be advised,
no one ever relieved me of that oath .....
There is an enormous amount of deception in the world today. I stand for TRUTH.
I believe that that We The People, if we stand United, can affect change. I stand for FREEDOM.
Having the freedom to choose is the best way to learn from our mistakes and grow in understanding."
Join us this week, as we discuss everything from Area 52, current events, podcasting, paradigm shifts, ALL things UTAH, and the love of blogging.
Friday, July 13th – Episode #115
Sons and Daughters Of Liberty

Drew Lima is the driving force behind “Sons and Daughters of Liberty”, an open sourced online “LIVE STREAMING” intelligence node.
Friday, July 20th – Episode #116
ET Experiencer Nathan Tafoya
Lifelong ET contact “experiencer”, Nathan Tafoya joins us this week to discuss his years of otherworldly encounters.

A long time native of Southern California, Nathan’s entry into the world defied the odds. Doctors had told his mother childbirth would be biologically impossible. Miraculously, they managed to prove them wrong.
Over the course of our approximate 90 minute exchange, Nathan will try 2 better explain the difference between physical and “non-material” ET interactions.
Along with taking your questions and comments, we’ll also tackle telepathic channeling, “The Event”, and dreams.
Last, but not least, Nathan will provide step-by-step details on how to actually make contact with extra-terrestrials ( if you dare ….. )
He can freely be contacted via SKYPE: @ ID = nathanieltafoya
Friday, July 27th – Episode #117
Host of “Inside Tha Jackals Head,” cast member at The Round Table Show, Member/Producer of Skywatchers Radio and Owner of PSN Radio, Angel Espino returns for another visit to the Robin Hood this week.
We've got a LOT of catching up 2 do, since the first show we archived back in October 2016.
Listeners can expect conversation topics 2 include: all things UFOLOGY, Hip-Hop, pop culture, professional sports, podcasting, along with what it really takes to launch and manage an online alternative media network.
May 19, 2018 | 2018, June 2018 |
Friday June 1st – Episode #110
William Ramsey RE-DUX!

with ALL Things “West Memphis 3”

( and Conspiracy Culture Casualties )
Kicking off our June 2018 schedule, Los Angeles based author, of various occult and conspiracy related topics, William Ramsey returns to the Robin Hood once again.
Having already produced shows ranging from Aleister Crowley, to Pizzagate, and the Smiley Faced Killers, this week we tackle all things regarding the so-called “West Memphis 3 Murders.”
Time allowing, we’ll further discuss the mysterious ends met by seemingly numerous conspiracy and para-political researchers, over the years.
Friday, June 8th – Episode #111
After nearly 25 years of incarceration, word has it, one of AmeriKa’s TOP, highest profile, yet oddly, least known political prisoners, John Ford stands on the brink of a possible release.
With TWO archived shows already behind us, could the timing of this week’s annual round-table be any more auspicious? Tune in LIVE this Friday night, starting @ 8PM PST / 11 PM EST, as we reach out around the world via an historic 90 minute You-Tube Pirate Radio web stream.
Friday, June 15th – Episode #112
Aaron Wadsworth Returns!

Fellow Korea based expat and dedicated orientalist, Aaron Wadsworth returns for a spell.
Doing our best 2 catch up to speed, our extended PRE-recorded conversation finds us diving head first into ALL things currently breaking loose across the Korean Peninsula, as well as a range of other colourful discussion topics.
From Shamanism, 2 dreams, and the LONG awaited END of world marijuana prohibition, this week we do our best to cover it ALL, and then even go that EXTRA (nautical) mile!
Our ARCHIVED 2016 show:
Friday, June 22nd – Episode #113 Personality “Al Zombie“

Digital artist, animator, film maker, musician, activist, shaman, seeker, avid amateur scientist/ astrologer and meta-physicist.
Prepare yourselves folks! It's time 2 get to know the all 2 enigmatic, London UK based Mr. Al Zombie.
Apr 18, 2018 | 2018, May 2018 |
Friday, May 4th (Episode #106)

Making his 2nd appearance on the World Pirate Radio Podcast Network™, Robert Homrich is our guest again this Friday.
After getting back up 2 speed with “Pirate Bob”, given the recent May 1st calendar date, we’ll naturally be talking everything from the Illuminati and Freemasonry, 2 his exciting new podcast, and all kinds of other “TOP SECRET” swords and swashbuckling stuff.
Join us, or walk the plank!
Official Vitruvian Code Webpage:
Robert’s personal Facebook page:
The Official (Facebook) Vitruvian Code
To purchase a copy of The Vitruvian Code:
Friday, May 11th (Episode #107)
Self-professed psychic-medium, crop circle and UFO enthusiast Robbert Van Den Brooke is scheduled to join us this week.

From the stories of his peculiar childhood, followed by an overnight rise to fame as a Dutch TV celebrity, will Robbert’s techniques and alleged proofs of the miraculous be able to withstand the light of skepticism and scrutiny?
Friday, May 18th (Episode #108)
Jae Byrd “Princess” Wells
Jae Byrd Wells, author of the science fiction Tales From School Series and the inspirational humorous series, Get the Bubblewrap, Jae, is a national speaker and social media consultant. She graduated with a Letter & College Scholarship for filming football.
After dabbling in modeling, she studied Marketing and Media in College which semi-prepared her for her career in the world of Entertainment.
Her colored and rocky past in the desert called life has not robbed her continued thirst for adventure which enables her to inspire those around her to not lose faith, love, chivalry, and respect.
When she’s not busy engaging on social media, writing, teaching, consulting, co-hosting radio shows, or speaking, Jae enjoys life as a pioneer, geek, cosplayer, and movie buff.
She lives with her husband, four children (5, if you include the parrot) and her ‘petting zoo’ in Kansas
Friday, May 25th (Episode #109)

With a vast array of experience in military and law enforcement, host of the Sword Point 9 web-stream (Kaiser’s Kastle), Kaiser joins us this week with his take on a range of current issues, and “behind the scenes” activities.
Our PRE-recorded conversation was archived in March, and predicted BIG happenings on the Korean peninsula.
Mar 24, 2018 | 2018, April 2018 |
Friday, April 6th
Episode #102 – Peter Daley Returns!

Back again with updates, reflections, and more, anti-cult activist and Korea based Aussie expat Peter Daley joins us this week.
For years, Peter has worked tirelessly, relentlessly exposing the inner workings, corruption and recruitment techniques of what mainstream
media refers to as “one of the most notorious cults in Asia“: JMS
Friday, April 13th
Episode #103 – M. Teresa Clayton

Witch, necromancer and poet, St. Louis Missouri’s
M. Teresa Clayton returns for a spell.
She’ll do LIVE intuitive readings while taking your calls.
Friday, April 20th
Episode #104 – 420 World Round-table

Yep. It’s that time of the year again!
(Also happens 2B EASTER as well.)
Missouri Musketeer Emily Anderson works a little last minute show production magic, helping 2 bring Colorado‘s Dr. Peter Eugene onboard for this week’s show.
The cannabis paste is now "LEGAL" and available in ALL 50 states.
NO MEDICAL CARD REQUIRED IN ANY STATE. This paste has the highest amount of CBD's on the planet. It will NOT get you "high" -- NO THC---But it will get you well.
Friday, April 27th
Episode #105 – Robert Morningstar

Rounding off our April 2018 schedule, Robert Morningstar is one of the best known luminaries currently active within the world of para-politics.
From Presidential assassinations, the field of UFOLOGY, and the hottest cutting-edge current events, how much DYNAMITE information can you pack into a single 90 minute show?
ANSWER: As MUCH as the Robin Hood's feature guest, audience, and crew can muster.
Strap yourself in and HOLD ON tight!
Jan 13, 2018 | 2018, March 2018 |
Friday, March 2nd – Episode #96
Matt Bergman 

Editor in chief @ “The Daily Liberator“, founder of Punk Rock Libertarians, and front-man for the Baltimore, Maryland based Punk rock band, TEN WATCH, Matt Bergman is our feature guest, for the 1st hour this week.
In the SECOND hour, BOTH SatoriD (aka Daniel de la Rosa)
and @MINDSGAMING are booked 2 close out the weekly show.

MAJOR developments are taking place online via, with a high profile online (and in person) “POW WOW”, “Gathering” of sorts scheduled 2 take place in New York City, coming up on March 6th.
Friday, March 9th – Episode #97
Kevin Estrella
Hailing from Hamilton, Ontario, podcast host Kevin Estrella moonlights as a top notch musician with the instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars .

Welcomed into the UFO community after having his own first-hand “other” worldly encounter, he’s now started speaking publicly, and has been a feature guest on multiple UFO themed radio talk shows.
Friday, March 16th – Episode #98
Emily Anderson
Lost Arts Radio ASSOCIATE, and hard-core Robin Hood crew member, Emily Anderson connects with us via Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

Among other things, conversation 2 include how most things banned / limited / prohibited by government, are in fact QUITE GOOD 4 us: RAW MILK, HEMP, OFF GRID HOMES.
Those aren't really chemtrails polluting the skies, the fluoride in the water is only put there cuz it's good for you, GMOS, food additives, and vaccines can all be "scientifically" proven to be beneficial for widespread human consumption.
Friday, March 23rd – Episode #99
Forum Borealis Host “Al B”
Producer & Host of

Forum Borealis is a paradigm expanding podcast exploring controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, & system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, & politics, through in depth conversations with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, & freethinkers of today.
Their programs are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists.
Episode #100 – Wow! Congratulations
We actually made it …….

We look 2 the past, reflecting on our accomplishments, as well as set our sails 2 the future, with OPEN LINES and a FESTIVE congratulatory SPECIAL LIVE "MIDWEEK" STREAM.
Friday, March 30th – Episode #101

A podcast and more covering the history of the Cold War with a strong emphasis on telling the story through the pop culture of the times.
Host Ryan Lewellin joins us this week, capping off our epic 2018 March schedule.
Jan 12, 2018 | 2018, February 2018 |
Friday, February 2nd – Episode #92
Joining us once again, investigative journalist William Ramsey shares his views and theories on who’s abducting, torturing and murdering college-aged men in the US and UK.
Friday, February 9th – Episode #93
“Bedlam in the UK” with psych victim Daryl

Podcast host, blogger, and key spokesperson / affiliate of “The Everyday Psych Victims Project“, Daryl Brown joins us this week 2 share with us his nightmarish history of falling into the hands of the UK’s state run “mental health” system.
Friday, February 16th – Episode #94
(The JFK Files, Conspiracy Culture & more)

with Carmine Savastano
Join us as we traverse a host of pressing issues including the latest on the JFK Files, censorship in social media, and getting 2 the bottom of net neutrality.
Friday, February 23rd – Episode #95
Nancy Tremaine “Symbiosis”

Joining us for the first HOUR only, author of ” Symbiosis: A Love Beyond Space and Time“, Nancy Tremaine.
Born in Detroit, Michigan, the middle of five children, Nancy claims 2B a lifelong “experiencer”, messenger, and participant in the alien hybrid project. Symbiosis is the story of her lifelong relationship with a Reptilian being simply named “Mr. He”
In her book, she details the information she’s received in the form of downloads, and the loving messages she has been asked to share with humanity.
Despite her age, menopause and a Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation at the age of of 30, she also became pregnant with her hybrid son, Drax.
For over six years, despite severe frustration and pain, and after failing to receive the support of her family, Nancy has nonetheless continued to reach out, hoping to be heard and find joy in a world where she often feels she does not belong.
Nancy’s other appearances include:
Linda Moulton Howe – Earth Mystery News, Out of Mind
Open Minds TV, Aquarian Radio
Pyramids on Mars UFO Radio
Ammach Files Radio Show
Jan 10, 2018 | 2018, January 2018 |
Friday, January 12th – Episode #89
Grant Cameron and Charlie Redstar

Returning once again 2 Pirate Radio Podcasts™, Veteran Canadian UFOLOGIST Grant Cameron joins us for our 1st official show of 2018!
A wave of UFO sightings struck southern Manitoba in 1975, with possible connections to U.S. missile defense operations.
In 1975, Manitobans reported UFOs over their province almost nightly. The string of unprecedented sightings launched the biggest UFO craze in Canadian history. With sightings for well over a year, one object seen again and again became known as Charlie Red Star.
Grant Cameron was there. He witnessed Charlie Red Star many times, and led tours for others to see for themselves. He also caught wind of rumours of nuclear testing south of the Canada-U.S. border, which might have been the cause of the unexplained phenomena that was sighted in the upper atmosphere.
This is the story revealed by eyewitnesses, photographers, and reporters chasing down the truth behind these still-unexplained encounters with UFOs
Friday, January 19th – Episode #90
We're joined this week by yet another of's more intriguing & colourful personalities: Grimachu

Our conversation promises 2B both lively and diverse, as we hash over all things from current events, internet, pop, and gaming culture, 2 his “Postmortem” Studio project.

Friday, January 26th – Episode #91
Minds World Indie Music Showcase 3.0

For the 1st time in 2018, we gather together some of the BEST INDIE music has to offer.
Mar 12, 2017 | 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Crew, Interviews, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Robin Hood, Secret Santa |
Ramblings and stories