Mar 12, 2017 | 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Crew, Interviews, Miscellaneous, Podcasts, Robin Hood, Secret Santa |
Dec 31, 2016 | 2016, News, Partner Podcasters |
In its Dying Days, What Exactly is the Obama Regime Up To?
Russian Military Plane with 92 On Board Crashes In Black Sea
See original article at:
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Dec 28, 2016 | 2016 |
Mary Carmel News
Discussion of “The Greater Israel Project” and UN Resolution to stop Israeli Settlement
Mary Carmel News contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of “fair use” in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than “fair use” you must request permission from the copyright owner.

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Dec 26, 2016 | 2016 |

Mary Carmel | 12.25.2016
As we march toward the New Year, it is most important that we understand how we have been kept on a constant diet of war since the end of WWII. I will be addressing the role that the US has played for the globalists since we asserted our independence at a later date, but this video is pertinent information for those that do not understand the history of the blatant, illegal wars that have been raging across the globe, and how Western governments have manipulated the public into accepting this as a necessary evil, in the name is Democracy.
The creation of the US Military Industrial Complex was no accident, and the destruction it continues to leave in it’s path must end. This is not about the American people, it is about Washington DC, a “front” for the global elite war machine. In fact they have now waged war upon Americans as well as Europeans et al … In these turbulent times we must address the perpetrators correctly. It is NOT the US people, nor is it the Europeans, nor citizens of NATO countries, as no one has condoned these wars. To the contrary we have protested against them vehemently. In the end, it is the three cities that control all wars past and present … London, Vatican City, and Washington DC.
Sep 30, 2016 | 2016 |

90 minute special showcasing the network’s “in house” talent

for more information, or to SUBMIT your creative content for consideration, plz contact
Oct 21st – World charities and the scams they run
with Alexandra & Martin

Oct 28th – Halloween Special
From the SPOOKIEST stories to history & lore
Aug 11, 2016 | 2016 |
Pirate Radio Podcast Network’s (PRPN’s) 1st OFFICIAL listener contest.
Your MISSION? Online ESSAY or BLOG 1000 – 1500 words:
TOPIC: Pirate Radio Podcasts™ – WHY WE’RE ALL SO FUCKIN’ GREAT
2nd Prize – ONE YEAR Rogue’s Gallery membership subscription
3rd Prize – 3 month Rogue’s Gallery membership subscription
Contest Submission DEADLINE – Friday, Midnight September 19th, 2016
( World Talk Like A Pirate Day )
For more information contact (ALL queries) @Pirate_Larry
Jul 5, 2016 | 2016 |
June 3rd – Pirate Radio Podcasts Episode #20

DA Zimbeck (Crypto-currencies, smart contracts, digital BONDS)
Pirate Larry interviews David Alan Zimbeck in Baja Mexico
Black Halo:
According to David Zimbeck, BlackHalo is a smart contracting client which eliminates the middle man, or the trust you have to put in total stranger when doing transactions. It offers “double deposit two-party escrow”, joint accounts and more!
You can initiate worldwide transfers, straight from your computer to someone else right from the wallet — anywhere in the world and without the need of a company or person acting as an intermediary. You can pay them knowing they can’t break the contract due to the advanced deposit each party made to insure the deal.
June 10th – Pirate Radio Podcasts Episode #21
UFO Political prisoner John Ford roundtable

w/ special guest & co-host Kelly Freeman
June 17th – Pirate Radio Podcasts Episode #22
Cult-awareness activist Peter Daley

re: Korea’s #Titanic #SEWOL ferry disaster, & web of intrigue surrounding cult billionaire Yoo Byung-eun
June 24th – Pirate Radio Podcasts Episode #23
Parapolitical legend & former #Steamshovel Press owner-publisher Kenn Thomas

May 10, 2016 | 2016 |
Welcome to the blog
May 10, 2016 | 2016 |
Access our Premium content for $50 yearly, $5 per month, or $1.99 a show
Here’s the special AFTER SHOW place where we kick our ol’ Pirate boots off, let our matted hair down, & allow the RUM, or whatever else may be on hand, to flow ever so freely …..
Archives to date include:

2) Lengthy TWO part interview w/ Gonzo Journalist & virgin podcaster Jennifer Knight – 2016/05/06

3) Dr J LIVE producer & well known podcast personality Joshua Chaires – 2016/05/08

4) Behind the scenes with Episode #17 guest UFO contactee Chris Brown & American Road Warrior – 2016/05/13

5) Exclusive content with Seph N. Haven & special guest, Dr. J LIVE’s co-host Johny Webb – 2016/05/27

After a brief introduction, Seph brings up one of his affiliates “Tyranny Unmasked” & East Texas UFOS. He then recaps the structure, mandate & peculiar “TROLL” back story.
The conversation then turns to Zionism, where confusion of jewish identity & history is discussed in great detail.
90 minutes
SEND your questions or EXCLUSIVE EPISODE requests to:
Access our Premium content for $50 yearly, $5 per month, or $1.99 a show
May 6, 2016 | 2016 |

Based out of Ensenada, Mexico, Piratas de Dios is a band created in the bardic tradition, telling the story of how Pirates took over the world, and their orphans worked to take back the kingdom. Merging acoustic music with death metal melodies, the group’s unique sound is lovingly referred to as “After Death Metal.”
Episode #17
May 13th, UFO Contactee & Experiencer, webcast personality Chris Brown

Episode #18
May 20th – Author and spiritual seeker Aage Nost

May 27th – Seph N. Haven
#MGTOW & “The Controversial Truth” Project

April 2016
Apr 14, 2016 | 2016 |
Welcome to The Minds Panel Show Page.
Ramblings and stories